QSL information
Check our log-online page for VHF and HF QSOs. If your QSO is not in the log,
send an email to let us know.
Direct QSL Card Request
Ensure that your QSOs are in the J52EME or J52HF log. Report any
suspected errors to us prior to sending your cards.
Ensure that the QSO information on your card is clear and correct.
Enclose a good quality self-addressed envelope of sufficient size and strength
for the number of return cards expected. No labels only please ! Up to 4
QSOs can be confirmed on a single card.
Send 2 x US$ for Europe, 3 x US$ for the Americas and Asia, 4 x US$ for
Oceania. This will cover the cost of sending one or two cards confirming up to
8 QSOs. Additional cards pro rata.
Please note: from Italy the postage to USA and Japan is 2,30
euros=2,50 US$ !!!
Possibly no IRCs.
Italian stamps are also welcome. Unfortunately, we cannot use stamps or
currency from other countries!
Additional dollars, euros or italian stamps are very welcome and will be used
to help the Cumura Mission. In this case, however, it’s preferable to make a
donation via PayPal for the QSL and for the Mission.
Any sponsoring is welcome!
Please send your QSL card to Lucio I3LDP:
Bureau QSL Card Request
QSL requests received via the bureau will receive a return card via the bureau.
If you do send a card, please ensure that the QSO information on your card is
clear and correct and mark your cards J52EME or J52HF via I3LDP. We advise
you to verify your QSOs are in the J52EME or J52HF log using our log-online prior
to sending your cards.
QSL Card by Donation (OQRS)
If you made a donation of a minimum of 3 euros to the DXpedition, your QSL
cards will be mailed to you at the address you entered when you completed the
PayPal donation form (in the “Message to Verona DX Team” box). However, please
verify that all of your QSOs are correctly recorded in our log-online and advise us
of any errors via email. You can also request QSL with OQRS from ClubLog.
All the money received with donations will be assigned to the Mission. We ask you
to help, if possible, our expedition with a financial contribution. For donations of 7
euros or more we'll put your call on the sponsors page. If you have QSO with us
and make a donation, you’ll receive our QSL card (see above: “QSL card by
donation”). In the PayPal donation form (in the “Message to Verona DX Team”
box) please write also your callsign.
We thank you for cooperation.
73, Verona DX Team
All QSL cards requested via direct or via OQRS
for the 2012 and 2013 operations were answered.
If you didn't receive yours please write to veronadxteam@gmail.com
The log of 2014 and 2015 operations is online.
J52HF and J52EME operations were approved for
DXCC credit on 20 september 2012.